Running Around Western New York

Three weeks into marathon training and the Fall Distance Group through Fleet Feet Buffalo – and all is well.

Due to the inevitable navigational errors that seem to have become a weekly staple, this past Saturday was an 11.11 mile jaunt through residential downtown Buffalo.  Despite the extra distance, I felt mostly strong throughout – and finished with a flourish.  I’m forever grateful to the new pals I’ve made at the group who dutifully pace and push me, helping me get faster and stronger every week.  Running with people is one of the best choices I’ve made in a good, long while!  Not only is it more fun, it’s clearly beneficial.

Yesterday, late afternoon, Duggs and I had an errand to run in town.  And then I literally ran home, made the house a water stop and grabbed the dogs, and finished my five mile active recovery jog out in the grapes.  After using KT Tape for the first time this weekend, last night’s run was the first in a while in which my shin did NOT hurt.  Amazing, huh?  I have an idea to post about some of the running gear I’ve stumbled across lately.  Some favorites have clearly emerged (KT tape being a big one) – but as time goes on, I’ll know more about the other stuff I’m giving a whirl while I run.

Last week I mentioned about the lack of Hawaii as a potential discouragement from reading – and some of y’all kindly requested more Western New York pics.  Pretty and outdoors is still pretty and outdoors; I personally see the beautiful merits of each location, clearly for varying reasons – but both pretty none the less!

Saturday’s run in downtown Buffalo… here are some photos I went ’round and collected post-run.  I didn’t want to photograph the entire area, I have to leave some aspects for the weeks to come!

post-run stretching!

marketing fail

but the canisius school is gorgeous, really

just down from the school, we run along this pretty pristine tree-lined road

behind these trees, and nestled closely with homes and small non-profits (a nursing home is across the street) – is a gorgeous orthodox church. greek, i believe.

the front view

taking in a fuller view for better context.













The sky was so blue on Saturday.  Colder weather and rain was promised to us – but instead, once again, we were treated to a cloudless sunny day.  It was mildly cooler in the morning, but as soon as the sun hitched herself high enough to be seen in full, it was nothing but heat that came our way.   Want more deets?  Check out this run map:

From the Farmer’s Market I’ve mentioned.  In a small park amidst opulent older homes – the market feels more like a picnic, the atmosphere is happy and relaxed.  I love just wandering around, people watching.  It’s the Elmwood-Bidwell Market, btw, if anyone wants to look it up.  I just adore the whole neighborhood it’s in!

the street along the farmer’s market – this one house is always selling furniture and stuffs out front

same side of the street, facing the opposite direction from the yard sale house

After I left the Farmer’s Market, it was time to drive home.  But fear not – I disregarded safety (and probably the law) and still managed to snap a few pics from the whip.  They’re poorly focused, but at least you get a feel for the area from them:

so many roundabouts (or rotaries for my bostonians)

i think that there is canada!

From last night, running through our small rural town that’s about an hour south of Buffalo.  I love it here too.  Yesterday’s run was just one of those feel good workouts, the sky was blue and the air was thick and hot – but I had a grand ole time!

quaint and oh so charming, yes?

all roads lead to home. specifically this one is pretty direct.

my lens was blurry, but it kinda lends to the whimsical nature of where i really live

running past sullivan’s charbroil is hard – oh the smell, so enticing.

and of course, the backyard and the grapes

the pooches need a workout too, of course

i look downright crazy in this one. i like it!

oh hay, i’m getting some sun out on my run


love the cancer survivor running tee!

Ahh. So if you follow me on Instagram (as you should – @RadRosie) or Fb, or Twitter (see the side bar for those) – you know about the tee from last night’s run.  As I was sweating to the electropop (and some oldies) I was, as I said above, just having fun with it.  I kinda dance along sometimes, I usually smile – so when people kept honking and waving, I thought that seeing a be-neoned gal in a crazy get up bopping along was a novelty of some sort for such a one-horse town.  Only way after the fact did I register that I was rocking my SURVIVOR tee!  Oopsies – duh, of course that’s what people were pumped about.

So that was pretty fun, actually.  I love strangers that will a shout out and some encouragement over something like that – so rad!

Well, that’s all I have for today.  If you think you could stomach it, I’m so tempted to post the photo diary of my “evolution of a blister.”  I have a nasty, slightly infected, triple blister on my right foot.  It’s heinous and admittedly, painful.  I’m dying to gross everyone out with it.  Thoughts?

Hope you’re all having lovely weeks; to my runner pals: enjoy the warm weather while we still have it, and holler at me about how your runs and training are going.  I’d love to have more running pen pals and blogs to follow to chat about training, tips, injury prevention and the like!!



Accountability, Speed: Glad I Joined Now!

This past weekend was my second ever experience with the new running group I’m in.  And let me just be very clear: Week two was markedly, crazily, way better than week 1!

I still got lost, but at least this time I wasn’t lost alone, haha.  I actually made the acquaintance of some really nice ladies and jogged near and at times, with, them!  The added advantages are not only social and navigational.  Turns out that when running with people, my pace time improves like woah.  Yeah, I may have shed about 20 minutes off my 8 mile time.  Ha!  How’s that for crazy?  Turns out when left to my own devices I dawdle, who’d have thought!

Anyways, aside from running faster, I also felt much stronger.  I completed the run feeling strong and the soreness has been minimal now in my post-run days.  So, all in all, really nice and I’m just so pleased with my current progress and commitment.  It feels good to be sticking with it.

In other news, we stumbled across this INCREDIBLE hippie neigborhood.  I met my peoples!  I was just running along, and I noticed the signs started to feature buzzwords that caught my eye:


run… run… run… 

“local produce”

running still… 



“music shop”




It was just so much, I could have exploded.  MY PEOPLE!  So after the run, Duggs and I headed over there for brunch and to scope out the area.  After a tasty meal and some nice conversation, we made our way over to the Farmer’s Market.  It was AWESOME.  They take EBT/Food Stamps at the Farmer’s Market!  It was all too rad, I cannot wait till next Saturday now.

I did have my phone with me, but I was in a very in-the-moment kinda mood and I just hardly so much as snapped a pic.  I do promise that next weekend we’ll bring the good camera and actually take some nice photos of the area.  Man oh man, downtown Buffalo totally stole my heart this weekend!

The rest of our time was spent with relaxing, stretching, some cleaning and organizing, light chores – nothing major really, but the lazy down time was much needed.  It rained a lot of Sunday morning – but by mid-afternoon it was blazing hot and sunny again.  I even got a couple hours on the lounge chair out back with a good book.  I’m telling you, yesterday was luxuriously lazy!   I was hoping for more rain though, our garden ain’t looking so good these days… Ugh.  Oh well, time will tell what’s to be!

I hope y’all had a great weekend too.

As always, thanks for reading!! xoxo, hhr

Marathon: It’s On!

I did it.  I really did it – I signed up, registered, paid for, a real live marathon.  On October 21st I WILL run 26.2 miles.

Logo for the Empire State Run

I’m not sure if I’m ecstatic or terrified.  Both? Hahaha.

Oy, let me back up.  So I’ve been running a lot lately, and several months ago – when I was still back in Hawaii – I said I wanted to run some races again.  It’s been a few years at least.  Well, I started to get really sick in the months leading up to the move, fell off my running schedule, lost my endurance, and so on.  We move here, the fresh country air of rural New York state wipes out the black mold and sickness from my body and bam! I’m up and running again.

Taking it one step further, I couldn’t shake the idea that if I wanted to really commit to running – really take it seriously – I needed some form of accountability.  Thus, I started looking online for running groups, coaches, that kind of stuff – and I found a marathon training group out of Buffalo.  I called, showed up on Saturday, signed up, ran 8 miles on the route they set up, and now I’m in!

holding up “five” for being at the five mile mark during saturday’s run

buffalo has very pretty scenery during runs

The group I’m running with is through a store in Buffalo – Fleet Feet Buffalo.   The marathon I’ve signed up for will be in Syracuse – it’s the Empire State Marathon.  There’s also a half and a huge running/fitness expo over the days before the races.  Anyone who wants to cheer me on – c’mon, c’mon!  It should be an awesome time, a good weekend for sure.

fleet feet buffalo – first day of the fall 2012 distance group. can you tell which one is me?

So.  I’m off to go do a prescribed five mile run (part of my daily training plan) and I’m getting really excited.  It’s been a long time since I’ve jumped into the world of legit endurance sports, so I’m happy to be back!

Get ready for lots of running chatter and my amateur nutrition info.  In order to prepare, I also have a lot of learning to do.

As always, thanks for reading!! xoxo, hhr

It’s Fab Friday, Friends!

Good Morning Blog-o-sphere! (Did you enunciate that like RW a la “Good Morning Vietnam?” That was my intention, fyi, if you need a do-over).


Happy Friday!

yawn. i accidentally stretched when i first tried to take a pic.

I’m just taking a quick break from my work morning to come say hi.  By the time I hit play on this though, it’ll be just about afternoon (I had to do work, what can I say?).

Guess what. I read some REALLY good blog posts today in case you’re interested:  Tamara Out Loud has an awesome post about Jesus and gays and love, Cult Fit talked about taking a break from fitness rambles to deal with real stuff in life, like the terrible wildfires in Colorado right now, and Amanda at Fancy Oatmeal cracked me up with the Jimmy Fallon video that she posted, oh man.  Good times!  Seriously though, about those wild fires: prayers up y’all!  Check out this site to buy some shirts to help out too.

It’s been a big week.  Duggs started his new job out in the civilian world.  He’s working with my cousin and uncle for Purina – YAY DUGGS! I’m so proud of you, and happy for you.  Congrats!  I’ve had a busy week- lots of working out and work, and being busy.  My mom is coming next week, ya know, for the 4th of July and MY BIRTHDAY, I think my cousins from NC may be coming too and possibly another aunt and uncle from DC?  I think it’s going to be a very fun week next week.  But to prep for a week o’ fun, there must be a week o’ grindstone.

Not to mention all the SCOTUS stuff.  If you ever want to hear my take on why Obamacare is amazing, just shoot me a message and we can chat.  I don’t like to get too soap-boxy here, but it should be of no secret to you, dear readers and pals, that I was ecstatic when I found out that healthcare was OK’ed via majority opinion.  Whew.  Sad about Stolen Valor, but hopeful that a new law with more specific language will replace it.

It’s been a crazy week.

All in all, I’ve been feeling great and doing well.  Huge change from Hawaii life.  Getting out of the moldy house of death has totally freed me from the bondage of sickness.  I feel like a whole new woman!

good morning, err good afternoon?


  • my legs are still sore from Wednesday night’s speed work and plyo
  • I’ve been on a 90’s pop bender this week, Ace of Base and Spice Girls, what?
  • I’m excited that it’s warm out and my cousin’s putting his new-to-him boat in the water TODAY!
  • we’re going to a really fun fair this weekend and I can’t wait!
  • I’m excited for 4th of July
  • I’ve been drinking less soda, less coffee, and more water than usual – go me!

So, how’s your week been?  What do you have coming up this weekend?  Anything?

Thanks for stopping by, Happy Friday! Happy Summer! Happy almost a holiday!  I hope everyone had a rad week and that y’all are doing well.

rocky jumping on me, doh!

this is an autsin power’s joke. see, that 90s music got to me.

now here’s a napolean pose to keep me more updated. see, i’m cool, i’m hip… (see what i did there again?)

aaaaaand, jj cuddles

oh rocky, sweet boy!

And well, that’s all I got. So… TTFN, Ta Ta For Now!

xoxo, hhr

Three Playlists To Pump Your Blood (and also possibly some rambles about running)

I’ve (re)located my motivation, and lately I just can’t run hard enough, far enough, fast enough… well- hard, far, and fast by MY silly standards.  I still have a ways to go in making it back up to the level I was at say, six months ago (I stopped running for about 3 months, maybe more, because I was so ill during our last few months in Hawaii, ugh) but, I’m getting there.  My endurance is increasing, my speed is getting better, I feel more confident.

i’m feeling the pain

Last night I had a crazy run.  Did a brisk mile warm up, then about 30 minutes of speed work intervals (oh so close to vomming each and every time), then I did a mile of plyometrics (lunges, high kicks, slow kicks, high knees, butt-kickers, skipping, jumping jacks, all kinds of jumps really, grapevines… and more that I don’t know that name for).  That was a really long mile.  Then I did another mile cool down.  All in all it was a solid five mile workout- the speed intervals actually slow me down because of the active recovery walking and jogging I have to do in between the sprints. I do speed work with all kinds of various intervals and pyramids; last night I did 45 seconds jog, 30 seconds SPRINT, and then 30-45 second jog, then a good minute or two walk.  It got harder and harder to do the post-sprint jog each time, so I’ll admit that decreased as I went on).

I realized, I haven’t sprinted since the day I saw the dead guy while on my run.  It felt good to break out the stride last night and just remember what it feels to move so fast.  I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m a tad on the leggy side and I stand at about 5’8 – so when I stretch out the legs, I can book it.  I used to sprint in high school track for just that reason.  And I did hurdles too – although I don’t defy gravity much these days (even though I totes requested Moon Shoes for my birthday, the awesome trampoline shoes from the 90s).  Rambling… anyways, getting some sprints in last night felt great.  For the most part I’m focusing on laying down some mileage, building up my endurance.  But even so, there has to be variety and sometimes you gotta get the quick twitch muscles a little work out too.

some snaps from last night, taken during some lunges. aww yeah, hurts so good!

Why so motivated?

Maybe it’s the Olympic season (and seeing my former teammate and pal Ryan Lochte kicking so much ass in Omaha as he gets set for London)… I’ve seen so many incredibly motivating photos from track and field trials too.  (Have you seen Buzzfeed’s post of 26 photos of people finding out they made the Olympics? It’s awesome).  My college pal Kyle Kugler just finished the Western States 100 in an  epic time of 22:15.50, so that’s been motivating me as well.  There’s influence to move it everywhere I look, and I’m LOVING it.  PS, I’m begging Kyle to let me interview him for my blog – wouldn’t that be awesome?! YES. Duh!  I wish I could get up with Ryan, now that would be super duper badass too… but, he’s like uber famous though, and well, kinda busy doing that whole preparing to humiliate Phelps thing (yeah, I said it – I’m TEAM USA, but also TEAM LOCHTE!).

Moving Along

Okay, okay – let’s get  to the good.  My playlists!

I love music, I listen to my jams all the time when I’m doing all kinds of things.  Thus, working out and running are no exception!  I have a few diff playlists on my phone that I use when I’m out and about, and of course Spotify (and iTunes too) for when I’m at home – stretching, yoga, abs.

Here, for your curiosity and copying pleasures, are three of my most fav playlists right now for cardio.   I know my taste in music won’t suit everyone’s needs or likes – but these are just some of  the songs that I’ve been movin’ to recently.  Warning – a lot of them are explicit, haha.  Oops!

Fit and Skinny Mix – my fav current iPhone playlist for cardio outside

Always On Time, Ashanti & Ja Rule
Rich Girl, The Bird and the Bee (cover of Hall & Oates)
Sweat (feat. Lil Wayne), Bow Wow
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight), Bruce Springsteen
Everytime We Touch (Radio Mix), Cascada
Digital Love (Boris Dlugosh remix), Daft Punk
Turn Me On (feat. Nicki Minaj), David Guetta & Nicki Minaj
Come to Me (feat. Nicole Scherzinger), Diddy
Tell Me (feat. Christina Aguilera), Diddy
Last Night (feat. Keyshia Cole), Diddy
Sexy and I Know It (feat. Chani), DJ Shocker & Chani
Stereo Love, Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina
What’s Luv? (feat. Ja-Rule & Ashanti), Fat Joe
Club Can’t Handle Me (feat. David Guetta), Flo Rida
Someone To Love, Fountains of wayne
Jump In The Pool, Friendly Fires
We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe) [Alvin Risk Remix], Fun
Genesis, Grimes
Visiting Statue, Grimes
Be A Body, Grimes
Tongue Tied, Grouplove
Now & Forever (Original Mix), Henrik B & Christian Älvestam
Goodnight an Go (Back Ted N-Ted Remix), Imogen Heap
Murder Reigns, Ja Rule
Put It On Me (Explicit), Ja Rule & Vita
Homecoming, Kanye West
Heartless, Kanye West
Love Lockdown, Kanye West
Bulletproof, La Roux
Americano, Lady GaGa
The Queen, Lady GaGa
Born to Die, Lana Del Rey
Off to the Races, Lana Del Rey
Diet Mountain Dew, Lana Del Rey
Pop That, Lil Wayne
Shooter, Lil Wayne
Whip It (Produced By Deezle), Lil Wayne
Let The Beat Build (Produced By Kanye West & Deezle), Lil Wayne
6 Foot 7 Foot (feat. Cory Gunz), Lil Wayne
She Will (feat. Drake), Lil Wayne
John (feat. Rick Ross), Lil Wayne
Lollipop (Offical Remix), Lil Wayne Ft. Kanye West
New In Town, Little Boots
Let’s Get It In (feat. 50 Cent), Lloyd & 50 Cent
Start It Up (feat. Kanye West, Swizz Beatz, Ryan Leslie, & Fabolous), Lloyd Banks
Gold Guns Girls, Metric
Animal , Miike Snow
Next to You, Mike Jones
Body Work, Morgan Page & Tegan and Sara
The Gentle Roar, Niki & The Dove
DJ, Ease My Mind, Niki & The Dove
Shiller, Ratatat
Falcon Jab, Ratatat
Bullets (Club Mix), Rebecca & Fiona
We Found Love (Chuckie Extended Remix), Rihanna
Major Tom, Shiny Toy Guns
Save the World (Extended Mix), Swedish House Mafia
Pot Kettle Black, Tilly And The Wall
That’s Not My Name, The Ting Tings
Basic Space (Pariah Remix), The XX
Basic Space, The XX
Crystalised, The XX
Put On , Young Jeezy & Kanye West
P.I.M.P., 50 Cent
Disco Inferno, 50 Cent
Candy Shop, 50 Cent & Olivia









Dance Party, from Spotify (hence the links)

Breathe Carolina – Blackout
Dragonette – Stupid Grin
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Home
Filur – Live & Learn (feat. Matt Kolstrup)
Foster The People – Helena Beat – Lenno Extended Remix
Friendly Fires – Paris (Aeroplane Remix)
Grouplove – Tongue Tied
Housse De Racket – Roman (Briefs Remix)
Jason Derulo – Breathing
Kreayshawn – Gucci Gucci
Lady Gaga – Americano
Lissi Dancefloor Disaster – Moshpit Lovers
Little Majorette – Never Be The Same
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes – Rich Girl
Miike Snow – A Horse Is Not A Home
Mya & Wyclef Jean – Ghetto Superstar
Neon Indian – Polish Girl
Niki & The Dove – Gentle Roar
Niki & The Dove – DJ Ease My Mind
O-Zone – Dragostea Din Tei
Ra Ra Riot – Boy
Sbtrkt – Wildfire (feat. Little Dragon)
Shiny Toy Guns – Major Tom
Skrillex – Bangarang – feat. Sirah
Swedish House Mafia – Greyhound
Tegan And Sara – Alligator – Ra Ra Riot Remix
Those Dancing Days – Help Me Close My Eyes
We Were Promised Jetpacks – Circles And Squares
Wolf Gang – Lions In Cages
Yelle – A Cause Des Garçons
Yelle – Mal Poli
Yelle – Je Veux Te Voir

Running, from my iPhone – less often used, but still good! 

Little Bad Girl (feat. Taio Cruz & Ludacris) , David Guetta
I Just Wanna F. (feat. Timbaland & Dev), David Guetta, Afrojack, Timbaland & Dev
Night of Your Life (feat. Jennifer Hudson), David Guetta & Jennifer Hudson
Sunshine, David Guetta & Avicii
Stereo Love, Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina
Cracks (feat. Belle Humble) [Flux Pavilion Remix], Freestylers
On Display, Melissa Gorga
It Girl (Jason Nevins Club Mix), Jason Derulo
Yoü and I (Danny Verde Remix), Lady GaGa
Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer), Pitbull
Till the World Ends, Britney Spears
Throw Your Hands Up (Dancar Kuduro) [feat. Pitbull & Lucenzo], Qwote
My Feelings for You, Avicii
Mr. Saxobeat (Extended Mix), Alexandra Stan
Loca People (Extended Version), Sak Noel
Feel So Close (Extended Mix), Calvin Harris
Earthquakey People (the Sequel) [feat. Rivers Cuomo], Steve Aoki
Forever (Extended Mix) [feat.], Wolfgang Gartner
Good Life (Demolition Crew Remix), OneRepublic
Save the World (Radio Mix), Swedish House Mafia
The Good Natured Alive (Basto Remix), Adrian Lux
What Happens In Vegas (Radio Edit) [feat. Gregor Salto], Chuckie
Sun Is Up (Play & Win Radio Edit), Inna
Le Bump (feat. Crystal Waters), Yolanda Be Cool
Turn This Club Around (Extended Mix) [feat. U-Jean], R.I.O.
Eyes (Extended Mix) [feat. Mindy Gledhill] , Kaskade
Cinema (Extended Mix) [feat. Gary Go], Benny Benassi
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Kaskade Remix), Skrillex
So Much Love, Fedde le Grand
Sun & Moon (Club Mix) [feat. Richard Bedford], Above & Beyond
Raise Your Weapon, deadmau5
Heads Will Roll (James Iha Remix), Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Piece of Me, Britney Spears
Paris, Friendly Fires
Paris (Aeroplane Remix), Friendly Fires ft. Au Revoir Simone
Tongue Tied, Grouplove
Digital Love (Boris Dlugosh remix), Daft Punk
Project Bitch, Lil Wayne
Major Tom, Shiny Toy Guns
Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second, Starfucker
Bangarang (feat. Sirah), Skrillex
DJ Ease My Mind, Niki and The Dove Tribute
How Much More, Stars
Alligator (Ra Ra Riot Remix), Tegan and Sara
Scheiße, Lady GaGa Born This Way
Americano, Lady GaGa
The Queen, Lady GaGa
Marry the Night, Lady GaGa
Highway Unicorn (Road to Love), Lady GaGa

As Always, thanks for reading.


xoxo, hhr

Happy National Running Day!

My new friend Amanda over at Fancy Oatmeal (yeah, I decided we’re “friends” now, she’s moving to Jax, FL + teaches English + runs + is awesome) posted earlier today letting me know about the June 6th fun that is “National Running Day.”

Thanks, Amanda!  I made durn sure to get my celebration on.

Did you run today?  If not yet, are you going to?

I just went on a whopper of a run.

me, instagram style, on today’s runny run

Well, it was only for 40 minutes, but it was outside and I was doing harder intervals than I’ve been doing since I moved to NY – with a higher run-to-walk ratio.  I didn’t much sleep last night, and for some reason I’m STILL sore from Monday’s crazy 64 minute run/walk/exhaustion-fest.

So here are some recent running pics, from a couple diff runs last week, Monday’s night run and today’s celebratory run.  I’m so so proud of myself for getting back into and trying so hard and giving it my all to get back into shape.

I love running, and running loves me.

Your turn: tell me about your most recent runs!

As always, thanks for reading! xoxo, hhr

Running Into Tragedy

(Warning: sad content about a fatal motor vehicle accident).

Yesterday afternoon I went for a run.  Well, more accurately, it was a jog and walk mix up, doing three minute intervals of each.  Considering how sick I’ve been over the last few months and how little exercise I’ve gotten in (I haven’t gone on a run in way too long), I’m really rather proud of myself!

red faced and sweaty close up. yikes!

happy pooch on a run

It was a sun-filled, warm afternoon.  I wanted to get an idea of where I have to run around here, what the scenery and paths are like, sideswalks vs. grass, quiet roads vs. busy streets and so on.  I used my RunKeeper app to notice the mileage and keep track of landmarks – I now have a great idea of whereabouts my half-mile and mile marks are, etc.

these will be tall vineyards one day

on south roberts road, a little ways down from our house

The pooch was happy to stretch his legs.  The worst part about me being sick and not going for runs is that the pooch doesn’t get to go jog either.  Now, he’s had a lot of chance to play lately.  At the hotel in Hawaii there was a doggie park for him, all during our trip he got to hang out with other pooches and play, and without fenced-in yards – to go potty he was taken on walks.  So it’s not like he’s all cooped up… but the pooch LOVES going for runs with me.  He was so excited he pulled on the leash the entire time, to the point that it was straining and annoying.

exploring doggie

my jayjers

a little farm access road i found to jog down and get away from traffic

While I was out I had the music pumping, I took some fun snapshots with my iPhone camera.  I was really stoked for myself, exercising again, getting some sun, checking out my new home, etc.

a fun place to run, so green and open

I was on my way back to the house, jogging my last “run” interval when I looked further down the road and I saw a ton of dirt and dust clouding up into the air.  Traffic started backing up and I could see cars swerving and zig-zagging.  Something was wrong, and I could just tell.  It seemed like an accident.  So I took off in a sprint and tore down the road.

I am so out of shape, and I’m sore today already… but when I can tell something serious has happened, that lifeguard in me just responds and I sprinted the whole way there.  I got to scene and started yelling, “I’m an RN, is anyone hurt?”

I could see one conversion van, blue with handicap decals and a wheelchair ramp, just smashed to pieces and sticking out into the road at a weird, dangerous angle.  I saw a semi truck in the opposite lane pulled over, and who appeared to be the driver, trying to direct traffic.

a photo of the accident from observer today (link below)

From what I initially gathered, one man was dead and the other was fine – no one else claimed to have been involved and no one else said they were hurt.  The deceased was pinned underneath the rear axle of the blue van, and the scene was just horrendous.

Some volunteer firefighters on the scene started calling up more guys.  They said they would need a lot of help, and I asked if I should run home to get Duggs (“my husband’s a Marine – do you need him?” – “oh yeah, go get him now!”).

So I sprinted home as fast as I could, got Duggs and we hurried back to the accident.  It all happened a country block away from Nick’s house (where we live now) and we could see the whole thing from the end of our driveway.  By the time we got back there so many professionals were on the scene and taking care of everything, they didn’t need us at all and we were told we could go home.

we were really close to the wreck

standing in the driveway, looking toward the accident scene

Now.  I did take some photos with my phone.  I was worried that people were going to try and move the car or move the man, so since I was the first one on the scene with a camera – I just started taking some photos in case things weren’t left as is (I was just trying to do anything I could to help).  No.  I will not post those photos or share them.  I’m going to delete them actually, the officer directing the scene already told me he didn’t need them (it turns out they didn’t end up moving the vehicles or the man).

I went back home and I just felt so weird.  I was so sad for the man who died and for his family.  I know accidents happen all the time, people die everyday – but it’s sad when you deal with it firsthand, so up close.  And I was all mixed up.  I had been so happy, so excited to be out on a run – and now patting myself on the back felt weird.  It felt disrespectful or inappropriate.

But life has to go on, right?

I didn’t know the man who was killed yesterday.  I’m not suffering or grieving his loss.  But I know that many are, and that’s what makes me sad.  After we got back to the house I went out back to the vineyards and jogged, walked, prayed, and just cooled down.  I aksed God to bless the man who lost his life, to comfort his family, loved ones, the other driver and everyone involved.  Other than praying, I wasn’t really sure what to do.

happy pooch, running and playing

love the views of grape country

off leash running in back of the house, sprinting up and down the grassy access road between vineyards

Today in the news I saw the story about the accident.

Turns out the man who died was a very well-known and respected former public official: John Dillenburg.

john dillenburg, rest in peace – this is a photo of him they posted on the daily observer, from 1999

He’s been serving in government since the 70s, he was in the national guard and he went to State Ranger school out here.  His whole life he’s given back to his community and the people around him.  His wife of 45 years survives him, along with his daughter and grand-daughter.

Forty-five years of marriage.  Wow.

My heart breaks for his wife, and now I ask God to bring her comfort and peace.  I just can’t imagine what she’s going through.  I wish there would have been something we could have done, some way we could have helped or saved him.  But that’s not how this played out.  The only respite is that he didn’t suffer, it all must have happened so quickly.

Here’s the link to the news story, you can read all about his service and the work he did in this part of the country.

While I am happy to have gone on a run and to have worked out, I’m just left in an interesting state of mind.  I’ll take this experience as a call to appreciate life, to recognize how fragile we are, how fleeting and delicate life can be.  Each day is a gift, and every day we encounter so many blessings.

I’m in awe of God’s beautiful creation – coming from amazing Hawaii to wester New York, which although different in scenery, is another gorgeous, green, natural place.  I love living here so far, and I’m so grateful for my life.  I’m so grateful that I felt well enough to go running yesterday, that my husband and loved ones were alive and well at the end of the day.

Even on our worst days, there is so much gratitude to fill our hearts to overflowing.  Ever since having cancer, I try to approach and value every day as so special.  But it’s easy to get caught up, it’s easy to get into a routine and come to know distraction.

smiling, again – there’s lots to smile about and even more to be so grateful for.

So while yesterday is a tragedy and it’s sad, and the whole thing horrifies me and hurts my heart, at least I can try and take away some lessons.  A wake up call, a reminder, a poignant and painful lesson about just how precious every moment is.

I know I hugged Duggs much tighter than usual last night.  And I hope everyone who’s blessed enough to have your loved ones alive and well will do the same.  Be glad for all that you do have.

As always, thanks for reading my blog. 


My Run Down

So a couple weeks ago, or just about, I sorta made a commitment to run more.  To really push myself and up the mileage.  To try harder.

And I’m here to PROUDLY report:  It’s been a great success! 

before a run.

I’ve been regularly doing 4 mile runs, with some speed work in there.  And I have finally understood and embraced the idea of a “recovery run.”  Really!  A two mile run helps me to loosen up and heal.

and after. that's the happy face of exhaustion. or well, some kind of face of exhaustion.

Something I learned about my body long ago is that I’m slow to warm up.  And I hate that.  I used to hate warming up at swim meets, I just wanted to race.  But when I’m honest, my body functions so much better hot.  I need to really warm up and get loose.  On most of my longer runs these days, I’ve really used that first mile or so to just shake it out and get into it.

I’ve been having so much fun running.

this is my view when running, what's not to love?

Everyday I look forward to going.  I think about running when I’m not doing it.  And slow as I may still be, I don’t care.  I just love it.

I would say I’m running about 20 miles a week.  Maybe 25? Yeah, closer to 25.

I’m no rockstar on two legs.  But I’m doing something I love, that’s good for my body, mind, and spirit.

So there ya go.  Accountability!  I am following through.  And quite happily.

Oh, I think my little pooch friend is quite happy about it too.

jayjers LOVES to run. he is such a happy pooch when we go! okay. he looks kinda miserable in this one, but it's an action shot, his tail isn't down like that. he really loves to run.

happy boy!

As far as races go, I’ve had my eye on a few.  Since we don’t know when we’re moving, it’s hard.  I don’t want to get too attached to a goal and then find out we’re leaving before the race.  Or pick one on the east coast, only to be sitting here on raceday all bummed out.

But i’m purposefully working on my mileage and stepping it up so that I’ll be able to physically run a half marathon in a couple-ish months.  I think that’s a good goal for now.

workin' on my night moves

And my body. I’ve noticed some great body changes.  My core is getting stronger (I’ve been working on abs separately too), I’m more flexible (because stretching after a run is the best), my posture is getting way better (I swear, I’m starting to “look” like a runner), AND … I’ve even dropped some lbs lately.  I’m super happy about all of this. I’m going to write a post next week updating my health, and how I think running is helping me to feel better in a lot of ways.

stronger than yesterday. pooch agrees.

moar flexy.

I’m also being super mindful of my bum leg.  (I trained for a marathon I was never able to run because I let myself develop a stress fracture).  The leg gets shin splints easily, and I have to take care of it.  Including rest days, and exercising it properly (my foot kind droops.  I was born pigeon-toed, and this leg didn’t heal as well as the other, so my right leg just naturally turns in, my toe points in all the time and I’m more comfortable standing, walking and running on the outer edge of my foot vs. the whole bottom of my foot.  So, I’m strengthening my leg/ankle/foot to try and get that sole placement to become more natural.  It’ll help my leg and my form in general.  So here’s to taking that seriously!

All in all, it’s going great!  

that's the look of someone having fun. sweaty fun.

I’ll keep updating along the way.  I promise.  Thanks to everyone cheering me along and to all the other running bloggers I’ve recently linked up with.  It’s exciting to have people rooting for me.  I’m rooting for y’all too!

As always – thank you for reading! Love, hhr

she’s going the distance…

She’s [not] going for speed.

Oh man, did I go running yesterday.  Yesterday evening, actually. I had an epic run! 

Did you read Friday’s blog, about how I was reading the awesome marathoner-in-training blog (SmilesAcrossTheFinish) and in doing so I got all pumped up to train harder?  (Woah, I just went all blog-within a blog-within a blog, there. Woah.)

we headed out right as the sun was setting, a perfect time to go

So yeah, for those who aren’t caught up on my crappy ramblings: I’m feeling all driven to try and run harder.

Before we go any further, YES, I love Cake.  And if you think I mean the baked batter with buttercream, while you are correct (I love that cake), I really meant Cake.  The title of this post is from a Cake song.  They’re totally in my list of top 25 all time bands.  I should totally make that list sometime.

Anyways, about running: given my current health dilemma and meds, I’m not sure how consistently dedicated I will end up being, but I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna give it the ole college try and then some.  I’m totally down to play through the pain.  And while I honestly do keep my health in consideration, I don’t want to use it as an excuse or to sell myself short.  It’s a rather delicate balance.

I have a goal for workouts per month, and I really want to push myself, even on those days I feel crappy or am having pain.  Sometimes, running or working out, even helps the pain.

I mean, if ever there was a girl rip roarin’ and ready to push the limits, ignore doctor’s orders and warning, disregard the notion of resting/taking it easy, and push through pain because she has the world’s highest pain tolerance – it’s ME!

I was honestly motivated and I had an AMAZING Friday-evening run.

me, making a REALLY weird face before i go running


jj lookin' so so fresh

We ran for 63 minutes without stopping.  That may seem really small and insignificant to you, but for me – that was one whopper of a run!  I didn’t walk AT ALL.  And neither did lil’ pooch.

I won’t tell you how far I actually made it during that time.  That would be too embarassing. But, I did discover some nuances about my threshold and I feel like I have a baseline to start from.  I feel so pumped, that I actually want to go running now.

For everyone motivating me, THANK YOU!  I feel so good, and I hope the momentum keeps pushing me forward.

post-run stretch, feeling like a champ!