Genius Nose-Picker Slings Links (I’ve Been Given The Kreativ Award)

I have been awarded a blog award: The Kreativ Award.  

Blog awards are fun!  It’s a way that bloggers recognize others and give credit to the pages and authors that they enjoy, like, appreciate, and so on.

Recently two of my most favourite British running bloggers (okay, maybe the only two British running bloggers that I happen to know and follow, hehe) – both were kind enough to present me with some “awards.”


In this post I’ll feature how my pal Happy Runner gave me the Kreativ Award, and then tomorrow I’ll publish a separate one for Mike’s “Pass The Tag Along” Award that he bestowed upon me (so more on that tomorrow – and let me tell you, it’s a fun one.  Come back and read it tomorrow, will ya?).

The Kreativ Award

Check out my pal The Happy Runner over at “Inspiring and Healthy Running in London.”  In her post “Awards,” she donned the Kreativ Award upon me, the happy hippie!

Not only does she write a fun, witty, resourceful, and interesting blog about both running and travels (and the awesomeness of being genuinely happy) – she’s a fundraiser for Team In Training – the racing group that raises money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  As a Lymphoma survivor (and former Team member), I so love love love and appreciate that.

i totally stole this pic from her post on the london bupa 10,000 (one of her recent races).

The Award Itself – As Taken From Her Post

The rules for the Kreativ Award are:

  • Write 7 things about yourself that no one knows.
  • Nominate 7 creative bloggers for this award.

So here we go…

Seven Things About Myself No One Knows:

(Now this is rather hard, I’m pretty much an open book.  I’m not so stealthy or secretive, but I’ll try to post seven things that I’ve hopefully never before disclosed on my blog – and therefore the happy hippie rose audience doesn’t yet know.)

1.  I pick my nose.

Yeah, I said it.  I’ve been diagnosed with the OCD – and while I refuse to acknowledge that diagnosis (even though two different docs and a handful of casual observers have flung it my way)… I have a hard time letting things be.  So if a boogie is tickling my nose, I can’t stand it.  I’ll pick it and then go wash my hands, or I’ll use a tissue. I mean, I’m not an animal.

busted! so gross, huh?

Likewise, it’s nearly impossible for me to ignore scabs, blemishes, and so on.  I pick.

That’s so foul isn’t it?  I’m gross. Oh, just leave me now.  I understand.

2.  I worry that I don’t do enough; I could do so much more.

This is in regards to everything: art, blogging, working, fitness, activism.  I try to do stuff – but I worry that I’m actually lazy or not pulling my weight.  I feel so aware of so many social issues – but what am I personally doing to fight injustice?  Enough? Hardly.  I feel like my time could be better spent.

On a run, I could go harder.  On my blog, I could post more often and with a higher quality of content.  I feel like there’s always more to be done – and there’s always more I could and should be doing.

I guess you could say – I fear inadequacy.

And oh please, do not barrage me with reassurances that I’m a great person and I do plenty – this isn’t an issue or dilemma that keeps me up at night, etc.  I’m just trying to think about things about myself that I don’t often disclose, and this is just one of them.  I know I’m good – but I feel like with a little more elbow grease, I could be great.

3.  I’m actually a good singer

At least, I truthfully believe this.  I just don’t think I’ve ever been “discovered” or heard in the right context.  Or maybe I need some training or something.

My whole life I’ve been told I’m essentially tone deaf (even though I’m so not – I have great aural pitch and I have a pretty good ear for music) and most significantly, that I’m a terrible singer.  I fear karaoke more than death; I know I’ll mortify myself because all I’ve ever been told is how dreadful  my singing voice is.

But in those alone moments: belting out a tune in the car, singing when no one is home and really going at it – really putting my lungs into it.  I think I’m good.  I think I can really sing, actually.  I have a powerful, hear-me-in-the-rafters kinda voice.  I should probably be a popstar.  I mean, I have the moves, too.

4. I’m perfectly at peace with my “conflicting” morals

To some, my morals, views, beliefs (whatever you wanna call them) may seem a bit hard to follow – perhaps a bit unorthodox or all over the place, even.  I won’t go into details or call myself out right here.  If you know me, or if you’ve read my blog long enough you’ve probably scratched your head a time or two when coming across something I believe in, or a notion I condone.

I am 100% at peace with it all though and I literally see no conflict in the beliefs I hold.  To me, my moral compass makes perfect sense and the beliefs I hold mesh.

5.  I way prefer TV shows to movies.

Something about the pacing of shorter episodes? I’m not sure.  I’d rather watch an entire season of a show in one sitting than one movie, and I blame it on my attention span.  Even though the former requires hours and hours of steady watching – I find the episode to episode sequence easier to handle than just. one. movie.

[this is hard, I feel like people know everything about me… I’m kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel here.  These are such lame revelations].

6. I’m a Genius

I usually don’t brag about such things, and normally I’d find this kind of self promotion to be super tacky.  But I’m running out of ideas here – I already tell too much about myself to have seven whole secrets!  (So much for being creative as this award suggests, huh?).

So I’ll be honest: I’m a genius.

me and ole albert here kinda have the same ‘do. image source from pc mag

Like, a legit Mensa-caliber, top 0.001th percentile I.Q., wicked smart genius.  I never disclose my actual IQ.  For a variety reasons – it’s weird, it’s actually really tacky, and despite having a big ole brain and a high number on that one test, I know plenty of folks much much smarter than me, people who work harder, so forth and so on.

Just because you have a super IQ doesn’t meant you’re qualified for anything necessarily.  It does mean that I did great in school, in the gifted classes (where I was mercilessly picked on by kids not in the gifted program for being a loser geek).   When I was younger I did carry some arrogance about my God-given smarts; I’ve long since learned humility (the hard, slow, painful way) and I try not to be cocky, judge others or be elitist in any way shape or form.  I try to see the good in everyone and I know that being academically smart is only one kind of intelligence and that there are gifts galore that people possess and it really does take all kinds to make the world go ’round.

It does mean that I put tons of pressure on myself for greatness though.  So we’ll see.  Hopefully I’ll do something world-changing and bring good and happiness to millions.  I so pray and wish I somehow am able to do just that.

7.  I consume more garbage than the city dump

Candy, pizza, ice pops, candy, soda, reality TV… I consume garbage at an alarming rate.  And sometimes I go through phases of wholesome dedication to a healthier lifestyle.  And then at other times I just binge, without guilt, and go nuts.

i’ve had a long long love affair with pop.sicle brand ice pops – but lately, i can’t get enough. it’s incredible how many a day i consume. it’s embarrassing, actually.

I know that this here is a lifestyle blog in which I try to encourage others to get into a healthy way of living and eat good, whole food.  And please, I wholeheartedly 100% support the real food movement.

I just still love my Cokes and candies and crap.

I always promise to cut down, and I know what’s best for me.  But I have this ratio of pleasure to productivity.  And while living a long, healthy life is of paramount importance to me – so is the sweet divine happiness that comes from consuming ice cream and soda.  So I try my best to balance, and often I end up on the losing sugar-laden end.


That was painful, honestly.   Thinking of SEVEN whole things about myself was damn hard.  Try to go easy on me dear readers, will ya?!?!   Now.  Onto the fun part- THE LINKS!

Seven Creative Bloggers I’m Nominating: 

Picking just seven bloggers is tough.  This isn’t a reflection of picking my favorites and playing sides – so if you don’t see your name and link here, please don’t take it personally. I hate having to choose when it comes to stuff like this.

So, I’m actually going to try and name seven bloggers I’m not sure I’ve ever linked to before in an attempt to get some new shout outs going on.   I also tried to mix it up and not just stick with one genre.  So hopefully out of these seven, you’ll have found a new blog or two to follow!

And remember, tomorrow is another award post in which I’ll be “tagging” more blogs for you to go and check out too.  Lots of love being slung around these parts =)

Go check out these blogs, and enjoy!

1.  Going Dutch and Loving It! 

A Filipina, moved to Holland – married and with a young daughter, who loves to cook, sightsee, take photos and travel throughout Europe.  Her blog is a mixture of food, family, travelogue and just awesomeness.  Go check her out for her beautiful recipes and then stay to browse the gorgeous photos.

gorgeous family, living in a gorgeous place

Oh, and you just may pick up some wonderful tidbits on Dutch philosophy about life and happiness.

2. West End Singleton

It may surprise Aurathena to see I’ve named her here – we don’t always see eye to eye.  But I do read her blog regularly, and I’ve come to respect her, learn from her, and find humanity and love in her posts; which I think is important to do when you don’t always mesh 100% with someone – in fact, I think it’s more important in those circumstances at some times (world peace, y’all!).

(Aurathena is a pseudonym, and she doesn’t post any pics of herself – hence none here)

Aurathena is single, Christian, newly graduated from University and figuring out life.  She’s our neighbor to the north (Canadian) and she blogs from the heart – about her personal life, struggles, achievements and writings.

3.  ooamerica

This is incredible.  It’s a couple guys, in a crazy cross-country road trip, taking photos and video everywhere they go, accumulating stories, and just documenting what the good ole US of A is like right now.  It’s wacky, it’s fun, it’s awesome.

the original road trip – they’re on a different route now, hitting more/different states

The point of the blog is to track their progress and they’re creating a documentary about America and the point of view they’ve been able to glean while whirling around the states, couch surfing and sleeping in “the mosquito” (their car).  They just went through Florida, and I loved reading their take on THE wackiest state in the union.

Their photos, the video, the whole project is truly awesome and creative!  Seriously, go browse the photo albums – it’s amazing work, y’all.  LOVE.

4. The Wiener Takes It All

Meet Mort, an adorable and lovable wiener dog (a Dachshund). Mortimer’s Mom – Emily – is a funny, awesome, adorable blogger who writes about her life with Mort, the crazy antics he gets into, travels she and her husband take around Europe, and she posts the sweetest, most aww-inducing photos of dear sweet Mort and other readers’ doggies too.

oh mort, you’re too cute!

Emily makes me laugh on the regular and it’s all the feel-good happy fun times you need for a digital pick-me-up as often as you need one.

5. My Body The City: The Secret Life of A Call Girl 

Stella Marr is incredible.  The text of her blog may not always be safe reading for work, but it’s significant, important, and something that everyone should read.  Human trafficking is real, it is now, it happening all around the world.  Countless people are forced into sex work, coerced with violence, kidnapped and put into slavery, destitue from drug addiction or poverty and then unable to escape.

a hero of mine

The issue is NOT going away.  We aren’t doing enough to help.

Read Stella’s words.  It will hurt.  It will tear at your heart and soul to do so… but we, as a society and as kind, good people cannot pretend it doesn’t go on any longer.  Or that the girls in it are all there because they want to be.  Very few of them are, in fact.

Stella is an excellent writer – having finished her degree after escaping the ten years she was bound as a call girl in New York City.  She tells her story, she networks with other survivors, and she teaches us what we need to know to better fight this on-going atrocity.

6.   The Artful Desperado 

What’s more creative than art?  Gabriel posts interviews, features, and articles about art and artists.  Sometimes he even spoils us and features his own work (which is good, and he should do so more often – hint, hint).


Want to learn about new artists?  Want to discover beautiful works and be inspired?  Follow The Artful Desperado and you will not be disappointed.

7.  Tamara Out Loud

Last, but most certainly not least – is Tamara.  If you want a blog about family, faith, Jesus, writing, life, and how to be an awesome person, go read Tamara’s blog.  She’s amazing.  I don’t know how she does it all and does it while being so cool.  She’s one of those people who can do a million things at once, fabulously, and make it look effortless.

tamara, pretty lady

But we know it’s not effortless.  She’s a hard worker.  She writes about that too – she’s been working really hard to get a book published, one that is amazing and will change lives.  In her own words (on this page about the book) she says, “The book of essays will explore ways in which women are caused to disbelieve their own worth and offer affirmation of their true, God-made worth.”

How awesome is that?

Tamara, you rock.  You inspire me, I look up to you and I wish I commented more frequently than I do because the community on your page is awesome as well.

*All photos were stolen from the respective blogs (without permission – rebel, rebel).

So there you have it!

I’ve been deemed creative – which as a sorta-wannabe-artist and an actual writer – is a lovely compliment indeed.  Thank you Happy Runner, I’m much appreciative.  And to all who read my humble blog here – THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I hope you enjoyed learning some super weird things about me and I really really hope you’ve clicked on over to check out seven awesome new blogs.  Report back to me about what you’ve found, what you like and so forth and so on.

Back tomorrow with more links and more revealing stories about the one and only, happy hippie rose.

As ALWAYS, thanks for reading!! xoxo, hhr

PS – just in case you needed some more of my moves:

30 Days of Blogging Honesty – Day 12

Day 12 — My favorite song to dance and sing to when no one is looking…

“Dancing With Myself” – Billy Idol

Oh man!  I used to get ready for school/work almost everyday by busting a move to “Dancing With Myself!”  I love that jam.  One infamous morning in college, my music was up so loud and I was soooo in the solo dancing zone, I didn’t even hear it when my friends knocked and then opened my door!  There I was, half dressed, brushing my teeth, just dancing my little heart out.

It was one of those stories I never lived down.  Totally hilarious!

I love to dance pretty often, though.  If Lady Gaga or Brit Brit comes on, I’m up and dancing, for sure.  It’s just too much fun.

The moves inside me are just screaming to be let free:

happy hippie dancing to lady gaga’s “the queen”

As always, thanks for reading!! xoxo, hhr

I’m participating in a fun blogging event.  Tom Baker and Cherlyn Cochrane created the “30 Days of Blogging Honesty” challenge – chock full of 30 writing prompts + one dare at the end!  To read all the rules and prompts, click this link.

Check out the other bloggers playing along:

Cherlyn Cochrane
Jenn MikoLJMelanieLast Civilized WomanPrincesa MusangPrimadonna Zel,CarolineKoiAurathenaTerriblethinkerSleep and SalamiMarliz3ePrysmatiqueDLonelyStarAnonymousBurnNicoleSylvia GarzaMariana,NenskeiMyNakedBokkieBluefiadiarriesVeehCirraBannatreasuresSajeevHappyhippieroseTheFerkelTom Baker*Sofia*Everything Love & Lust,*TemptingSweets99, Sites with an * contain NSFW material. If erotic or sexual material is offensive to you, please do not visit these three blogs.

the versatile blogger award

The Versatile Blogger Award!! 

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are:
1) Thank the person who nominated me and link back to them in my post
2) Share 7 things about me
3) Pass the award on to 15 more bloggers
4) Contact the bloggers I have chosen to let them know that they have been selected

1) Thank you, EyeLaugh!  I was nominated by EyeLaugh, and I totally recommend you check out their burgeoning web comics.

2) Seven Things About ME, happyhippierose:

  1. I was raised in Florida, but born in Boston.  My parents were married there too, they lived there a few years.  Hence why I love the BoSox!
  2. I am a Christian, and I am a lefty lefty liberal – it’s possible to be both, I promise! I love being a tree-hugging, crunchy, radical who follows Christ.  My motivation is love, it’s all about loving others.
  3. JJ, my pooch, is like a little BFF to me and we do everything together
  4. Before I got married I had no idea it would be as awesome as it is, I love being married, I love being wife and mostly I love my husband.  He’s the best.
  5. I’m dreadfully homesick.  I miss my family so much, I can’t wait for the next time we’re all together; my extended fam is all real close – cousins, aunts and uncles, I miss all of them so much.
  6. If I met genie and got three wishes… after ending all the world’s real problems I would totally wish for a really amazing singing voice.  I always have wished that I could really sing, like Mariah sing… but honestly, I’d take a good enough voice for karaoke at this point.  I’m the worst.
  7. I have three tattoos and I want so many more, I just can’t choose any places to put them.

3) Fifteen Bloggers:

  1. erin writes – i’m subscribed to erin, she’s a funny mom trying to write a novel
  2. roadkills-r-us – i learn so much from miles, he’s a pastor, father, friend and more
  3. deconstructing saigon – my friend christina is witty, clever, sweet and rad
  4. the hash slinger – beautiful photos, food, faith and fun
  5. cult fit – fitness motivation, nutrition, humor and just lots of awesome
  6. – carly’s fitness, juicing, military wife life, yoga blog with pretty pics
  7. smile across the finish – about running, super inspirational
  8. sink or swim – reb d. is all over the world!
  9. die, food dye! – rebecca is saving lives with her work against harmful dyes
  10. heroblues – my friend sydney’s blog about yoga, fitness and food
  11. wtfrain – rain’s random rants about all kinds of stuff; explicit!
  12. bear runner – get motivated to train and crank out the miles
  13. the skip-raid – the funniest blog i’ve ever read, my fav for years
  14. twirling girl – a new find for me, victoria’s blog on faith is just amazing
  15. through the tunnel – esther blogs about PPD from the vantage point of surviving it
Congrats everyone!  If I went and linked you here, and gave you the award on your blog – I really do love what you do, it really is my way of saying Rock On!
My Thoughts on The Versatile Blogger Award:

I’ve been “awarded” the Versatile Blogger Award, and I’ve been honestly torn on whether I wanted to play along with this, or not.  This “award” isn’t decided by a blog critiquing entity, a committee, or a professional organization – another blogger who enjoys my lil’ page here gave it to me.

I think this “award” is more about networking amongst blogs, and getting my link out there than it is some literary achievement that validates my good writings here. The world of super blogging really intimidates me – all the fancy custom logos and graphics, these big communities where everyone knows everyone.  I like reading other blogs, but I like reading them for content, not as just a means to get them to read my blog.

I feel like a lot of people do that, ya know?  They cruise around blogs, leaving comments just for the sake of getting others to click their link.

“Oh hay, I totally agree with what you said you should click to my blog now you would like it.”  

I feel like I see stuff like that so often.  I hate that… it feels like when someone in a conversation isn’t listening to you, but merely waiting for their turn to speak.

I want to have two-sided, genuine conversations. 

But the blog that awarded this to me, EyeLaugh, I like.  The his and her comedy duo are very nice, and we’ve been reading each others blogs for a little while now.  I know that like all of us, they likely care about increasing readership and fostering a community… but it feels more genuine than whoring.

So it is for them, and for the sake of experimenting that I’m going to do this.  So, we’ll see how it goes!

as always, thanks for reading!  xoxo, hhr

rapping and eating

There are two endeavors  into which i truly believe that, if time and practice was invested, i could excel: competitive eating and rapping.

I’m totally being serious here.

Ever since I was a kid I could throw down some food.  I’ve won some eating contests before, the High School Food Olympics of 2000 was amazing, I won the Publix bakery cookie challenge, eating something like 85 cookies in under thirty minutes, without vomming.  In my Pine Crest Swim Camp days, I’d always do the pie eating contest during Color Wars, and I won, at least once.  And even just recently at Hope Chapel, I did the hot dog contest!  I mean, I almost had that one too… but once some other guy beat me, I spit out all my buns (I went meat first, then buns – soaked in water.  yuck, right? yuck).

But seriously.  I LOVE eating.  I can eat a lot.  It’s an act of restraint at every meal to stop myself at a reasonable portion.  It’s a miracle of metabolism and lack of intestines (I am missing a couple feet ever since ’03) that I don’t weight 5,000 lbs.

I always say I want to competitively eat, but I never do.  How does one break into it?  How do I train without getting fat?  Is this an absurd dream?

The other thing I’m obscenely good at: rapping.

We have Rap Star for our PS3, and I am so good at it!  Like, wicked good.  Better than everyone I know.  I’ve always been pretty sick with a rhyme, and for a white girl I have mad flow.  When I was little, I could do this crazy auctioneer voice and I used the think that speed talking or being an auctioneer of some sort was gonna be my ultimate occupation.  But auctioneering doesn’t appeal to me (unless it’s cattle auctions, we used to pick up televised cattle auctions on our old school satellite dish growing up, and I loved to watch those).

But rapping, I think I could be really good at it!  Ever watch Flipping Out on Bravo?  The girl on that show raps! Jenni Pulos:  She’s making a kids’ rap album, how crazy is that?!?   I could so do that.

Or, I could just be a legit rapper.

The only thing that seems tricky is if I have to do one of those freestyle battles like on 8 Mile. I don’t know about all that.  I mean, I used to call into 102 Jamz (Orlando, err Jamlando, Florida’s best hip hop station) when they’d do the “Roll Call” and you could rap like a couple lines, and if you said “Rewind!” you could go again, and I’d always rewind and do double the rapping.  But it was always really lame, like “R to the O to the S to the E, all the hot boys wanna get with me” and so on.   My friend Brain and I would always call in before swim practice and try to get on! Ha!

So there you have it.  Food and rap, two of my unearthed passions.  I just feel like I’m at a crossroads, do I let life keep passing me by without investigating these talents or what?

P.S. Third place unexplored talent?  Horseback riding.  Oh man.  I shoulda been a rodeo star by now or something.  Oh man, oh man.