Screen Week on HHR Kicks Off With A Lil’ Oscar Talk (really, it’s a little)

What’s better than Shark Week?

Well, nothing!  Shark Week is totes the best.

But coming in at a distant second is my theme-y idea for a cluster of blog action you’ll be seeing right here at good ole Happy Hippie Rose: Screen Week.

the shoddiest most pathetic graphic ever, right? if you knew how long it took me to make this, you'd die.

Lately I’ve had oodles of post ideas that all relate to TV and film in some way or another (because y’all know it would be so far fetched for me to start a post somewhere and tangent off and off).  I watch way too much TV, I love movies, and with all this awesome passion comes tons of opinions and thoughts.

So being that tonight was Oscar Sunday, I figured I could launch a short series of posts all relating to the screen-based entertainment I so enjoy.

Funnily enough, we didn’t even watch the full Oscars broadcast.  I’m kinda hit and miss with awards shows.  They sometimes bore me and so I avoid them – every now and then, I’ll get really into it though.  I do so love a red carpet rundown… so here are some of my fav looks from today:

I got way into looking up all those red carpet pics.  I’m sure that I missed some great looks and trust me, there were some I found less than aesthetically pleasing as well – but I don’t really feel like being mean up in here.

Who did you love?  What was your fav dress?

Actual Movie Talk: 

I STILL haven’t seen The Artist.  I’ve been dying to see it ever since the first trailer I saw, and now I just have to watch it first chance I get.   I also want to see The Descendants.  After living here, Hawaii movies are so rad to me.

Others I haven’t yet seen:  The Help, Bridesmaids, My Week With Marilyn, Hugo, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, War Horse.

Pretty bad, huh?  I’ve been a movie slacker this year, that’s for sure.  But when movies are so pricey and you live in Hawaii… you find better uses of time spent out of the house!  I’m more of a renter than a go-seer.   There are tons more that I want to see, but haven’t yet, those were just some big Oscar-nommed names that come readily to mind tonight.

I loved Midnight In Paris, it was so amazeballs. A Better Life knocked my socks off too.   We just watched The Ides of March last weekend and we both were impressed, it was way better than we thought it was going to be!  Margin Call went the opposite direction, we both found it to be a big ole stinker.

So yeah, welcome to HHR’s first ever Screen Week!

This week I’ll binge and purge on all my show-related topics and tangents.  I’ll fill y’all in on what I’ve been watching, random stuff that I think about in relation to the stuff I watch and so on.

As always, thanks for reading!  xoxo, hhr